Roughly 20% of Abington Heights School Distict’s families live below the poverty level. This often means that the beginning of school and the holiday seasons can be difficult times for these students and their families.
The Abington Angels commits over $3,000 to aiding these families in several ways. In preparation for Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Break, we package and distribute the makings for entire holiday meals for the whole family, as well as pack pantry staples for each break. We receive, and try to fulfill, holiday gift “wishlists” created by these families— buying and wrapping presents. We also have started a Backpack Program for our elementary schools, which allow the students to have a brand new bag along with supplies.
During the first weekend in November, in order to help raise funds for the Abington Angel program, a free to the public vendor fair is held. The MarketPlace draws over 70 different talented vendors every year. It includes concession stands, 50/50 and basket raffles. It's a great way to start your holiday shopping.